Frame Partners with Privia Women’s Health to Provide Comprehensive Pre-Pregnancy and Fertility Care to Patients

Frame Partners with Privia Women’s Health to Provide Comprehensive Pre-Pregnancy and Fertility Care to Patients

First-of-its-kind collaborative care model extends in-person care to broaden patient access and improve maternal health outcomes

Frame, a company that provides virtual care, coaching and concierge services to support family-building, announced today a partnership with Privia Women’s Health (PWH). The goal of this new offering is to improve maternal and fertility health outcomes by detecting and addressing risks amongst patients of reproductive age before more costly and invasive options become necessary.

Across Privia’s network of over 4100+ providers and 4M+ patients, PWH providers participate in Privia’s Women’s Health Specialty Collaborative program with over 450+ women’s health providers. PWH patients will have access to Frame’s services to support their pre-pregnancy, fertility and infertility needs.

“Data shows that 90% of women have at least one modifiable risk factor that impacts pregnancy. We need to ensure that patients are addressing these risk factors before pregnancy to improve the health of our patients and avoid maternal health complications and the need for more costly procedures whenever possible,” said Melissa Montague, SVP Specialties at Privia Health. “For Privia, that means offering our providers access to cutting-edge capabilities to support their patients in between visits, strengthening the connection between the Care Center and the patient without an increased demand on our physicians and their time.”

“Many women in America aren’t having a conversation with their doctor until they’ve been trying or struggling to get pregnant,” said Jessica Bell van der Wal, CEO of Frame. "There's so much opportunity before you’re in the thick of it to determine if there are potential risk factors, get people on the right course and avoid the increased stress and time pressure.” Bell van der Wal started Frame after her own experience of infertility.

The rollout of Frame will begin in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington D.C. in early 2024 with the goal of expanding to other Privia markets across the U.S.

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